Virtual ICM Seminar with Andrew Turpin [University of Melbourne]: “Supporting digital research methods: the Melbourne experience”
A workforce, which combines big data and computer scientists? A workforce that can support researchers in the academy to make use of digital technology in their scientific work? Sounds like a dream? This workforce exists!! The Melbourne Data Analytics Platform – MDAP is unique in Australia, and rare in the world! It is comprised of academics whose “KPI” are built around supporting research, not necessarily leading independent research.
Don’t wait and grab your FREE ticket to #VirtualICMSeminar, this Thursday at 4PM CEST!
“I enjoy applying theoretical computer science research in algorithms and data structures to real world problems across many domains. The common thread across my projects in health, political science, data analytics and information retrieval is speed: I like algoritmics and making code that runs fast (and accurately!). This often involves working with large data sets, which requires custom software for processing, and specialised tasks that require novel algorithms (like visual field testing).“- says professor Andrew Turpin.
In this talk Andrew will discuss the Petascale Campus Initiative, a program at The University of Melbourne to boost access to computational and data management resources for all faculties at the university. The journey in establishing MDAP at Melbourne with its challenges and its successes.
Professor Andrew Turpin is Senior Academic Convenor of the Petascale Campus Initiative and Lead of the Melbourne Data Analytics Platform, seconded from being a Professor in the School of Computing and Information Systems at the University of Melbourne. His work with students on projects like “Teaching robots to do card tricks, and other tricky things” or “Using iPads for vision tests” is truly remarkable and fun at the same time.
We would like to invite everyone who is interested in the idea of Digital University, in the interdisciplinary research or how to boost HPC, cloud, and data management infrastructure for research.
Register Now!
Supercomputing Frontiers Europe 2021
Virtual ICM Seminars in Computer and Computational Science are a continuation of the Supercomputing Frontiers Europe conference, which took place virtually in March 2020 and will be back with the new HPC trends to explore in the summer 2021.
Dates to remember:
- Supercomputing Frontiers Europe 2021 Conference: July 19-23, 2021
- Call for Paper deadline: May 16, 2021
About Virtual ICM Seminars in Computer and Computational Science
Since March 2020, almost 2500 people have participated in virtual meetings organized by ICM (SCFE + 16 seminars) from almost all the time zones. The website with access to the SCFE and seminars’ recordings, has been viewed by more than 17k visitors from 122 countries.
Worldwide Open Science online meetings in HPC, Artificial Intelligence, Quantum Computing, BigData, IoT, computer and data networks are a place to meet and discuss with such personalities as Hiroaki Kitano (Systems Biology Institute, Tokyo / Sony Computer Science Laboratories), Stephen Wolfram (Founder & CEO, Wolfram Research), Alan Edelman (MIT), Aneta Afelt (ICM University od Warsaw, Espace-DEV, IRD Montpellier France), Simon Mutch (University of Melbourne) or Scott Aaronson (University of Texas at Austin).
For the listing of all ICM seminars please check this link with recordings.
The organizer of meetings with outstanding scientists is the Interdisciplinary Centre for Mathematical and Computational Modelling (ICM), University of Warsaw.