“Nobel Turing Challenge — Creating the Engine of Scientific Discovery”
Virtual ICM Seminar with Hiroaki Kitano [Systems Biology Institute, Tokyo / Sony Computer Science Laboratories] will be held on Thu, November 26, 4pm CET. [Abstract] A new grand challenge for AI: to develop an AI system that can make major scientific discoveries in biomedical sciences and that is worthy of a Nobel Prize. There are a […]
Virtual ICM Seminar with Ivo F. Sbalzarini: “Computational Developmental Biology”
The lecture on scientific computing for systems biology is opening the new series of ICM (virtual) seminars on significant developments and problems in computer and computational science. Save the date on October 22nd 2020. The Virtual ICM Seminar with prof. Sbalzarini will take place on Thursday, October 22, 2020 (4 pm CEST) and is open for […]
Effective neural networks *without* GPU – workshop with Nicolas Weber, NEC Laboratories Europe
Discover two software frameworks designed specifically for NEC SX-Aurora TSUBASA: SOL – Transparent Neural Network Acceleration and FROVEDIS – FRamework Of VEctorized and DIStributed data analytics. Date: Wed, Sept 30, 2020 Time: 09.00 am to 12.30 pm CEST Limited access: 15 participants – first come first served Payment: Free of charge Note! Registration deadline, Sept 27, […]
Watch James Gimzewski’s lecture “Emergent Atomic Switch Networks for Neuroarchitectonics” and invited talks on data communication, distributed computing, architecture, data-centric computing and storage
Keynote talk of James Gimzewski from University of California Los Angeles and most of the recorded presentations of the last day of the HPC conference are now available on Supercomputing Frontiers Europe website. Recordings of DAY 3 of the Supercomputing Frontiers Europe 2020 have been released under the MEDIA tab. SCFE20 presentations can be also accessed […]
Watch Videos of Supercomputing Frontiers Europe 2020: Day-2 [Omics, Bioinformatics, HPC Services, HPC&AI]
Keynote talk of ROB KNIGHT from University of California San Diego titled The Human Microbiome: Big Challenges, Big Data, Big Compute, as well as several invited talks on OMICS, BIOINFORMATICS, SUPERCOMPUTING EDUCATION, HPC&AI or HPC SERVICES, PROVISIONING AND DELIVERY are now available on Supercomputing Frontiers Europe website. Recordings of DAY 2 of the Supercomputing Frontiers Europe […]
The promises of the One Health concept in the age of anthropocene – a lecture by dr Aneta Afelt, a health geographer who predicted the coronavirus pandemic
Dr Aneta Afelt is a health geographer working on epidemiology at the global scale. She will talk about how demaging natural socio-ecological niches might lead to new epidemics. Dr Afelt predicted the coronocvirus pandemic over a year before it broke out. Dr Afelt’s virtual lecture will be broadcasted live on May 28, at 16:00 (CEST). DATE&TIME Thursday, May […]
Predicting the course of the COVID-19 epidemic in Poland
Sixth Virtual ICM Seminar in Computer and Computational Science One of the most promising approaches to predicting the possible scenarios of the epidemic is based on agent-based models. The idea of that model family is quite simple: reproduce the demographic and sociological structure of the society, and run the simulations of the disease spread throughout […]
What Do We Know About Performance of Quantum Annealing Systems?
Dr. Catherine McGeoch will shed light on this topic at the fifth Virtual ICM Seminar in Computer and Computational Science. Quantum annealing (QA) falls within the Adiabatic Quantum Computing paradigm, which is a different approach to quantum computing than the more familiar quantum gate model (GM). The error models for open-system QA vs. GM are quite distinct, […]
The next ICM VIRTUAL SEMINAR is just round the corner
SAVE THE DATE to Dr Simon Mutch’s lecture entitled HPC Simulations of the early Universe that is live on May 7, 2020 at 16:00 (CEST) Understanding the formation and evolution of the first galaxies in the Universe is a vital piece of the puzzle in understanding how all galaxies, including our own Milky Way, came […]
Videos of Supercomputing Frontiers Europe 2020: Day-1 have been released
Keynote lecture of Ziogas Alexandros Nikolaos on 2019 Bell prize winning computations of atomically-resolved nano-transistors as well as several invited talks on Artificial Intelligence, Physics, Astronomy and Cosmology, HPC in Africa or Muli- and Large Scale Modelling are now available on Supercomputing Frontiers Europe website. Recordings of DAY 1 of the Supercomputing Frontiers Europe 2020 […]
(Virtual) ICM Seminars in Computer and Computational Science
Augment Supercomputing Frontiers Europe annual conference as a weekly forum for exchange of ideas. ICM invites enthusiasts of HPC and all people interested in challenging topics in Computer and Computational Science to the First ICM Seminar in Computer and Computational Science. This coming Wednesday (1st April, 16:00 CEST). The event is free. ICM Seminars is an […]
This year, due to exceptional circumstances related to pandemic of coronavirus and special protection measures, the conference will be conducted as a virtual event. All of the lectures, as scheduled in our final program will be held online, however we reserve the right to slightly modify program due to circumstance. Tutorials will be conducted in Warsaw in future […]
Professor Rob Knight from the University of California, San Diego (Center for Microbiome Innovation and Departments of Pediatrics, Bioengineering, and Computer Science & Engineering), will be one of three keynote speakers during Supercomputing Frontiers Europe this March. His work has linked microbes to a range of health conditions including obesity, autism and inflammatory bowel disease, […]
Selected papers (not proceedings) reviewed independently and separately by journal reviewers are published in the international open access journal Supercomputing Frontiers and Innovations. Starting in 2015, after five editions of the Supercomputing Frontiers conference, the Supercomputing Frontiers and Innovations journal has published a total of 28 papers in seven issues. Here are the details. Vol 2, […]
Supercomputer Frontiers 2020 will be the sixth edition of the annual conference which run in Singapore in 2015-2017 and subsequently in 2018-2019 in Warsaw, Poland.
Watch the keynotes of the Supercomputing Frontiers Europe 2019 (SCFE19)
Supercomputer Frontiers 2020 will be the sixth edition of the annual conference which run in Singapore in 2015-2017 and subsequently in 2018-2019 in Warsaw, Poland.
Supercomputer Frontiers 2020 will be the sixth edition of the annual conference which run in Singapore in 2015-2017 and subsequently in 2018-2019 in Warsaw, Poland.